Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wrapping Up Academic Year 2007-2008

Dear PHA member,

As many of you are wrapping up your 2007-2008 year, we are already preparing for 2008-2009!

Your PHA 2008-2009 Membership application may be submitted online beginning May 1st at our website: www. PalmettoHA.org

If you applied online last year, you will use the same user name and password that you created at that time.

If you've forgotten your user name or password, you'll be able to request that information when you apply online.

And, as always, once your information has been submitted by you online, you will be instructed to print out and sign the Parent-Teacher Commitment Statement and an invoice to be mailed to PHA with your check or money order.

Please be sure to have these items mailed prior to August 1st in order to avoid the dues increase which applies to returning members after August 1.

Applications for those of you interested in our optional high school transcript program will be available in the 2008-2009 membership handbook you'll receive once approved.

Finally, don't forget to send in your Parent-Teacher Completion Statement when your 180 days are complete or no later than June 15th. That document is very important to us.

We look forward to serving your homeschool in 2008-2009.

May your family have a safe and enjoyable summer!

From the Board and staff at Palmetto Homeschool Association

Monday, April 7, 2008

Anatomy and Physiology Camp

I received the following from the Homeschool Science Academy. Mr. Landy asked that I make you aware of the following opportunities.

1. Week-long "Anatomy and Physiology" camp in early June at Appalachian State University for 9th-12th grade home schooled students. It's a one-of-a-kind camp for home schooled students. This camp is appropriate for all students, but particularly geared toward medical / science leaning college bound students.2. This coming school year offering three classes for homeschoolers on-line (deadlines are approaching)..

  • "Anatomy and Physiology" (9th-12th graders)
  • "The Human Body" (6th-8th graders)
  • "Exercise Physiology" (9th-12 graders)

These classes are appropriate for all students, but particularly geared toward medical / science leaning college bound students.
3. An on-line tele-seminar at no charge: "What Every Homeschool Parent Should Know About Teaching Science"

All Details are here..

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at 828-265-4101 or Greg@SportsMinistries.com
In His Service,
Greg Landry, M.S. Veteran Homeschool Dad