As you may have heard, a law just recently passed in South Carolina that allows
home school students equal access to public school interscholastic
activities. It is often referred to as the "Tim Tebow" law because it
grants access to interscholastic sports, but it is not limited to sporting
activities. Access is available for all interscholastic activities, and begins
with the 2012-2013 school year.
Because some interscholastic activities
have practices and camps
during the summer, it is important that home school
students begin
the process soon if they plan to participate in the
Information about the new law can be found at the following website a: There
you will find a link to the text of the new law, and a link to a form a student
may use to inform their local School District Superintendent of their intent to
participate (required by law).
Friday, June 22, 2012
New SC Law Allows Homeschoolers to Participate in Public School Interscholastic Activities
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Year - End Paperwork Due June 15th
REMINDER: All members need to submit the Parent-Teacher Completion Statement 2011-2012 by June 15th in order to close out the school year in good standing. Without that document we cannot verify your schooling.
A copy was sent in your packet when your membership was approved. If you can't find it, there is one in your handbook on page 65; or in the handbook posted on our website under MY Member Benefits. Please make sure you use the 2011-2012 form, and the original is sent to us. Keep a copy for your files.
Grades 9th - 11th must also submit the Final Grade Report Form (page 51 in your handbook). Please include the texts and descriptions for the courses listed, along with the percentage grade earned (ie.97, 82)
If you have any questions, please contact us. Knowing that paperwork isn't much fun, we thank you for your time and compliance in submitting these forms.
Enroll for the 2012-2013 school year by July 31st for the "early bird discount" of $40 for one child, $65 for two or more.
May you have a blessed and relaxing summer!
Friday, May 4, 2012
3-Day Art Classes to be Offered in Jefferson, SC
"How Great Thou Art" with Barry Stebbing
Art Classes will be held May 17, 18, and 19th at
Jefferson Baptist Church in Jefferson, SC. Classes
are designed to educate homeschool students in the
fine arts and will be 2 1/2 hours per session. Topics
covered include: art appreciation, beginning drawing
and painting, and an intro. to techniques and methods
with colored markers and pencils. Cost: $25 per student.
Contact Kasey Burnett (843)658-3021 or (704)516-8010.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
SAT/ACT Summer Institutes at USC Campuses Summer 2012
University of South Carolina will be offering SAT/ACT Test Prep Institutes at USC Campuses this summer in Columbia, Beaufort/Hilton Head, Sumter, Aiken , and Lancaster. They will include 20 hours of in-classroom instruction, SAT and ACT textbooks and workbooks, and 4 interactive online sessions held in the fall. For the exact dates, time, and cost in your chosen location contact:

Monday, February 20, 2012
Homeschool Conventions Coming to South Carolina
Information-packed workshops, motivating speakers, curriculum booths
March 15-17, 2012 "Teach Them Diligently"
Spartanburg Expo Center
Spartanburg, SC 29303
March 22-24, 2012 "Great Homeschool Convention"
TD Convention Center
Greenville, SC 29607

Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Mid-Year Checklist 2011-2012
Just A Friendly Reminder to our PHA Members
Your Mid-Year Checklist 2011-2012 is due January 15th.
An extra copy is on page 63 of your handbook or can be accessed through the My PHA section of the website: Palmetto Homeschool Association web site.
Thank you for your timely compliance.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Reminder for PHA Parents of High Schoolers
I trust your school year is off to a good start.
If you choose to have a transcript kept through PHA, your registration, forms, and fee need to be submitted by September 30th. This must be renewed each year if you want to stay in the program. The information can be found in your handbook on pages 38-40, and the forms are on pages 41-45.
For those of you who have a senior this year and do want to be part of a graduation, PHA will again be providing this opportunity. Our date is the first Saturday in June—June 2, 2012, at USC in Lancaster. We will be providing more information to come.
May you have a rewarding school year!
Dee Hollinger
Director, PHA

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Calls Needed--Senate Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on U.N CEDAW Treaty
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Dear HSLDA Members and Friends, Congress failed to hear the message the American people sent on Election Day. On Thursday, November 18, during Congress’ lame-duck session, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law will hold a hearing on the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Urgent calls are needed to oppose this treaty.
BackgroundCEDAW is an international treaty drafted by the United Nations in 1979. Although it was signed by the Carter administration, it has never been ratified by the U.S. Senate. While it was intended for a good purpose—stopping discrimination against women and girls—ratification by the U.S. Senate would not provide any greater protections to women and would actually cause irreparable harm to American sovereignty and to homeschool families. We urge you to read a detailed analysis of CEDAW and how it threatens homeschool freedom. If CEDAW is ratified, it will embolden internationalists to attempt ratification of additional treaties. HSLDA fears that approving CEDAW would be the first step toward ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which would cause even greater harm to homeschool freedom and parental rights. You can read Mike Farris’ detailed analysis of the U.N. children’s rights treaty online. Action RequestedIf your senator is listed below, please call him immediately and urge him to oppose CEDAW. If you choose, you can identify yourself as a homeschooler and explain how ratification of CEDAW would harm you specifically. You can use some or all of the following message: “Please oppose the United Nation’s CEDAW treaty during the hearing on Thursday, November 18. CEDAW would cause great harm to American sovereignty. Additionally, it will hurt the freedom of parents to choose how to educate their children and would allow the federal government to regulate how schools and parents teach their children under the guise of eliminating gender bias. Finally, it will not provide any greater protection to women and girls because U.S. laws and foreign policy already protect women from discrimination.” The following senators are on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law. If your senator is not on the committee, call the chairman and urge him to oppose CEDAW:
You can visit HSLDA’s Legislative Toolbox to find more contact information for your U.S. senators. We encourage you to send emails using the link above to thank senators Coburn and Cornyn for their opposition to CEDAW. Thank you for standing with us for freedom. Sincerely, Mike Smith |
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Huge Curriculum Sale
Trinity Christian School in Rock Hill, SC will be having a yard sale to liquidate its curriculum grades K-12.
- Date: July 10th
- Time: 8 - 12
- Contact: Carissa James
- Phone: (803) 487-8848

Monday, May 3, 2010
SCHEA Legislative Alert
SCHEA Legislative Alert
* H3645 *
It also requires that at the time of application for a license, documentation of enrollment status be presented to the DMV on a form approved by the Department.
But the real issue is this: "The board of trustees of the school district, the governing body of a private school, and _*an official of a home school association *_shall notify the Department of Motor Vehicles when an enrolled student who is at least fifteen but less than eighteen years of age has accumulated seven or more total unexcused absences, been expelled, or dropped out of school within fourteen days of occurrence."
This is not only beyond the scope of the home school law, but it would also require parents to report to their associations any unexcused absences, a definite infringement on the rights of home school parents and an unnecessary burden on association directors.
This bill has now come out of committee and passed second vote on the floor of the House.
We strongly urge all home schoolers to call their representatives and ask them to--at the very least--drop home schoolers from this bill.
The bill is due for debate and/or vote on Tuesday, May 4.
If you do not know who your representative is, go to and type in your zip code. You can find all the contact information there for your representative and senator.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Homeschool Day at the Capitol
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
All Homeschoolers are encouraged to meet in Columbia on WEDNESDAY, April 28, 2010 to Meet Your Senators and Representatives! Great Civic Experience!!
Plenty of tour opportunities at both the State Capitol Building, and the Governor's Mansion/Green. Plus, special discounts at SC Confederate Relic Room and Museum, Art Museum and Riverbanks Zoo. Cost (except for Art Museum and Riverbanks Zoo) is free, but pre-registration for tours is mandatory. Pre-register at
Come meet your legislators, enjoy the home school bands, sit in on workshops, have a try at the scavenger hunt, enter an original business card.
Plan to arrive early to make it through security before registration. Please leave as much as you can in your car. Everything else will need to fit in a zip lock bag. Be prepared to empty your pockets of keys, change or other items. Avoid bulky strollers and diaper bags.
See the web site for lots more details
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Saturday, MARCH 27,2010,
Pre registration forms at:
postmarked by March 19, 2010.
Cost at the door will be $10.00 per family.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Curricula, Supplemental Resources, and Educational Toys
March 15-18, 2010
Please spread the word about the sale! The public is welcome. Doors open at 9:30am and close at 5:00pm each day except Thursday when the doors will be open until 9:00pm.
As always, everyday is tax-free day at the Home School Bookstore!
Regular hours of 9:30am – 5:00pm will be extended to 9:00pm on Thursday, March 18
For directions, go to
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Homeschool Days
Homeschool Days
September 16 & 18, 2009
Old Salem Museums & Gardens, Winston-Salem, NC
"Faith, Fellowship and Friends"
Please join us for our fall Homeschool Days. This event will focus on the faith and fellowship of the Moravians in Salem and how they worked together to establish a thriving community in the Backcountry of North Carolina.
Daily Activities:
Fire Drills - join in on the fun and learn how to fight fires the 19th century way!
Vierling House and Apothecary - hear how the doctor took care of the many visitors that came to Salem. Make a hand-sewn autograph book on the back porch.
Vierling Barn - learn to write a Bible verse with a quill pen.
Enjoy popular 19th c. children's games on the square.
Learn about the preparations for a Moravian Lovefeast for special Choir festivals, even sample a Lovefeast bun!
Sing with the Singing Sisters in the Saal and hear the beautiful pipe organ.
Paint a German Fraktur bookplate.
Learn to play a Cherokee Bean Game.
See quilting in progress at the Vogler House.
Puppet Shows for our younger visitors.
Learn about Salem while viewing "Salem Day" in the Gray Auditorium.
More activities and demonstrations throughout the day
Please call Sales Reservations at 1-800-441-5305 to make reservations.
Discounted Homeschool Ticket prices are $8.00 per child/adult with advance reservations and prepayment. Registration and payment must be made in advance for the discounted rate.
Reservations and payment can be made from July 6 until September 4, 2009.
Sorry, no refunds.
If space is available tickets may be purchased the day of the event at full admission price. Tickets sold on event day only at the Old Salem Visitor Center.
Reservations will be on a first come basis. Please phone in early as our spaces for this event fill quickly.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
2009 State Convention at USC Sumter
Key Note Speaker: Jeff Meyers
Featured Speaker: Carol Barnier
June 19-20, 2009
~Children's Program~
~Teen Conference~
~College Fair~
~Vendors, Workshops, Food~
~Something for the entire Family~
For more details visit

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A Message from our Executive Director
Greetings PHA member!
Dee has homeschooled under Palmetto Homeschool Association for many years. She and her husband, Sam, live in Fort Mill.
Dee has been training with me since the beginning of January and will do an excellent job. Lindsey Catha, our assistant director will still continue to work beside Dee as she has with me the past several years.
Business Technology Center
BTC 568, Suite 209
454 S. Anderson Road
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Phone #: 803-327-2344
Thursday, February 26, 2009
SCHEA Action Update
Friday, February 20, 2009
Passing Information Along
The South Carolina Writers' Workshop is now accepting submissions for the 2009 High School Junior and Senior Writing Competition.
Any Junior or Senior currently attending any South Carolina public, private or homeschool is eligible. There is no entry fee but cash prizes will be awarded in three categories. The deadline is March 1, 2009.
For further details and to download appropriate forms, go the South Carolina Writers' Workshop website at

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
PHA...keeping it simple is our goal!

Friday, December 12, 2008
PHA...Passing Help Along for Sports

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
PHA...Passing Help Along for Astronomy!

Friday, October 17, 2008
PHA...Passing help along for Science!
Greg Landry's
Currently Offering..
Unique Online Science Classes
Residential Anatomy Camps (using human cadavers)
(on the campus of Appalachian State University, Boone NC)
"Anatomy & Physiology"
"Forensic Anatomy / Pathology CSI"
"Sports Medicine / Athletic Training / Exercise Physiology"
Science From a Christian Worldview
Available to All Students Throughout the U.S. and the World
Geared Toward Science-Leaning, College-Bound Students
Click here for more information!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
PHA...Passing help along with free textbooks
Lorraine Brewer has a variety of textbooks: several varieties of algebra and pre-algebra( lots of saxon 76, alg.1/2, alg.) ,US history(high school), Art, African Americans in SC, Writing Workshop, English grades 6,7,8), Literature, Science, Spelling, and some odds and ends.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
PHA...Passing Help Along for the SAT!
Monday, September 22, 2008
PHA...Passing Help Along for Transcripts!

Friday, September 12, 2008
PHA...Passing Help Along for History!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
PHA...Passing Help Along for Musicians!
Interested in Piano Lessons for
Piano Lessons available by:
Martha Yanson
B.S. Music Education
Nine years experience teaching general music and choirs K-12 as well as giving private piano, voice, and guitar lessons.
Eliezer Yanson, Jr.
B.M. Piano Performance, M.M. Conducting
Previous experience includes conducting choirs from elementary through the college levels as well as giving private piano and voice lessons.30-minute lessons once a week
Beginner through advanced levels
Lessons will be given from our home in West Columbia.Most lessons will take place on Monday/Wednesday afternoons or on Saturdays.
For more information, please email Martha Yanson at or call (336) 420-5691.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
PHA...Passing Help Along for Musicians!
Are You Interested in Home School Strings
Ensemble (and Private) Lessons?
(Cello, Base, Violin, Viola)
For further information please contact:
Jeff Watson, Program Director: (803) 446-8567
Symphony Orchestra:
Mid-Carolina Homeschool Symphony
Combines strings with woodwind, brass and percussion instruments
to give students the opportunity to experience the expanded literature
and joy of playing in a full orchestra. Parent musicians are welcome.
Musicians must provide their own instruments.
Tentatively scheduled for Monday afternoons this fall. 2008 rates, location and start dates TBA.
For further information please contact:
Jeff Watson, Program Director: (803) 446-8567

Monday, August 18, 2008
PHA...Passing Help Along!

Friday, August 1, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Web Site Problems
We are currently experiencing an issue with our web site,, which is preventing some people from accessing the site. We expect to have the problem resolved shortly.
If you are trying to access the site in order to register, renew, or view your application status, you may still do so using the registration site address at

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Clock's a-Tickin'

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Palmetto Homeschooling Association Members
are invited to:
Homeschooling Through High School Conference
Friday, July 25th and Saturday, July 26th
Palmetto Homeschool Association Director, Merritt Morris
will be speaking and conducting a workshop on
Friday, the 25th. See the attached information
for all the details and directions.
Registration is due by July 21st, so don’t delay
and tell a friend!